Piper Kenneth MacKay - Battle of Waterloo
Though technically not an Appleyard, descendants of Alfred Henry and Catherine Appleyard are also descended from Kenneth MacKay, a Scottish Piper made famous for his actions at the Battle of Waterloo. Piper Mackay has become part of Scottish folklore with his heroics captured by J B Anderson in the painting, Piper Kenneth MacKay at Waterloo, the image reproduced and popular among tourists and war historians alike. Born in 1782, Kenneth's marriage certificate details the groom as being born in Cromarty, an area in the Scottish Highlands. A soldier, Kenneth was part of the Ross Shire Militia at the time he married Sarah McFarlane from Lanark in Glasgow in 1805. In 1809 and 1811, Kenneth and Sarah welcomed their daughters, Catherine and Agnes and in 1815, Kenneth is listed as part of the 79th Cameron Highlanders fighting in Belgium. At the time of enlistment Kenneth listed his place of birth as Reay on the north coast of Caithness in Scotland. The 1st Battalion 79th...